Monday, October 27, 2008

It's Over (as she breathes a sigh of relief)

Thankfully the airshow is over! Do you have any idea how stressful it is to come up with a craft for 500 children on a budget in 2 days? Yes, the original low cost craft decided not to work on me right before the main event and I had to completely switch gears. Up at 5:30, still cutting out black circles, sitting in line to get in (in the fog, no less with an escort) I finally pulled up to the booth. I knew promotion would be difficult given our location 'inside' the kids corner. What I did not expect, however was not to have appropriate sponsor recognition and have our materials shoved in a corner so they would completely be unnoticed by parents. How do you go to an event with 25,000 people and only get 23 people to enter a contest? Floors me. Then at the end..."we can count on you for next year, right?" What were they thinking..that I do this for my health? Chalk it up to learning experience and know that the bigger events are not always the better ones.

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