Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Little More About This Blog

OK, so now that I've calmed down from the ranting on my last post enough, I can tell a little more about me and why I started this blog. My goal is to document the process of starting a business. There are so many women-owned businesses today, it's always nice to get together and compare notes..the good, bad and the ugly! Yes, this is a little late...we've been up and running for almost 2 months and to try and play catch up would be difficult, so I'll just move forward from here. Being a business owner is hard enough, as many of you know and being able to share the trials of what we go through as moms and business owners is important. It lets you know you're not alone or crazy...well sometimes, maybe, but also to share the difficulties in balancing work and family. Many moms who work from home know the adventure of trying to take that important call when kids are screaming and you have to hide in the closet for quiet. Or, being on the computer with the milk still drying on your shirt from having it thrown on you 'by accident' and not having time to change. It's just the life of a WAHM. But we continue to move forward, trying to reach those goals. Whether it's making enough to send your child to camp, or enough to cover the's all in the pursuit of flexibility. After staying home for many years with them, to give up 'Special Person's Morning' at school or miss volunteering in the classroom would be painful. As the typical type A, I kill myself every other available hour making my business successful, so that I have the freedom to spend time with my kids. Sound familiar? Join me in sharing your successes as well as trying moments in a forum where we are free to vent and celebrate together!

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